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Quick Look (Anteprima) in OSX manda in Crash il Finder, come fare?

Aperto da Max Brezzi, Mercoledì, 20 Novembre 2013, 01:18:46 AM

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Max Brezzi


If you do have a Quick Look plug-in that should be able to read your document type and you still can't create a preview of the document, or if the preview appears garbled, then it is likely that the plug-in is not loaded correctly or the Quick Look server cache is corrupted and needs to be rebuilt. First try running a permissions fix on the boot drive using Disk Utility to ensure that the Quick Look plug-ins and other files the Quick Look server needs are properly accessible, and then force Quick Look to reload the plug-ins and its cache by running the following commands in the Terminal:
qlmanage -r
qlmanage -r cache
After this is done, clear out the Quick Look configuration files by going to the /username/Library/Preferences folder (in Lion press the Option key and select "Library" from the Finder's Go menu), and then removing the files called "com.apple.quicklook.ui.helper.plist," "com.apple.quicklookconfig.plist," and "com.apple.QuickLookDaemon.plist." With these files removed and the Quick Look service reloaded, try previewing your documents again.
Massimiliano Brezzi